Competitive Event Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many competitive events can I compete in?
Q: How many people can compete in each event?
Q: Do I follow competitive event guidelines for the Regional and State level, or just for ILC?
Q: If I am competing in an event with skills, will I know them ahead of time?
Q: Why don't we get our judge rating sheets back after events? How can we improve for next year?
Q: Why are college students competing against middle school and high school teams in some events?
Q: If I am advancing from one level to another, can I change my event material before the next competition?
Q: Is photo ID required for check-in for my test or event at regionals and state?
If you have any questions about your competitive event, first thoroughly read through your event guidelines. If you still have questions, read through the FAQs below. If your question is not answered, please email or
A: At the Regional level, competitors can participate in ONE competitive event. At the State level, students can compete in their competitive event along with a State Only/Recognition Event.
A: Refer to your event guidelines for the number of competitors allowed per team. Teams CANNOT compete with fewer or more members than what is listed in the guidelines.
A: Please refer to your competitive events guidelines for the regional, state and international level. The guidelines are essential to understanding how your competitive event will be run, evaluated and the rules of the event. Michigan HOSA refers to the guidelines when running regional and state competitions, but because the guidelines are written for the international level, there are some things we are not able to implement or accommodate for. Please refer the the MI HOSA Event Modifications Page for specific event modifications for each conference.
A: At the regional level, Michigan HOSA posts what skills will be evaluated in advance. Therefore, you only need to practice those specific skills for the regional competition. You will find them on the Regional Info Page.
For the state level, we DO NOT tell competitors what skills will be evaluated ahead of time. Competitors will need to practice all skills in advance for they will not know what skills will be evaluated until they are given the event scenario at the competition. Practice and be prepared for any of the skills!
A: HOSA policy does not allow students to receive judge materials for review. These are kept confidential and analyzed and used in improving events and tests for the future.
The best way to improve for next year is to work hard! It is usually very helpful to have practice judges evaluate your performance using the HOSA rating sheet, prior to competition. They can give you direct feedback and suggestions for improvement. You can’t get that kind of information from the rating sheets, and it is continuous feedback from healthcare professionals, educators and others who judge your performance that will be the most helpful to you during your journey of becoming a future health professional.
Michigan HOSA tries to give competitors Judge Feedback Cards after competitions, but this is not a guarantee.
A: In most situations, middle school, secondary and postsecondary collegiate students will compete in the same location, sometimes in front of the same judges, but the scores are always kept separate. Each division is judged against others within that same division, even if they share the same judges in the same room. That is the HOSA policy for state and international competitive events. Middle school students are offered the opportunity to compete in selected events appropriate to their training.
A: Yes. There are no rules that prevent individual or team competitors from changing their event materials from one level to the next. Be sure to follow your guidelines and meet any deadlines.
A: Yes. Photo ID is required for regionals and state for checking into your event. If you do not have one or forgot it, a note from your advisor verifying your identity will suffice. At the ILC level, they REQUIRE an ID to check in for each round- so this great practice if you advance to the international level.