HOSA Service Projects
Be the Match is the National HOSA Service project where chapters can choose to support this organization through volunteer service and fundraising. HOSA service projects aim to encourage HOSA members to provide community service and come together collectively in support of a service organization.
Get Involved!
1. Register your chapter's team page. In order to reset your annual chapter points to zero, you must register one chapter team page each membership year. Follow these east steps:
a. Visit BeTheMatch.org/HOSAChapters and select REGISTER.
b. If you registered a page in the past, log in to your account first. If you are new, create your account and continue to the next step.
c. Select the ONE Participant Type that aligns with your role:
i. Advisor or Team Captain
Only ONE person per chapter can create a TEAM.
ii. Chapter Team Member
Chapter members may JOIN their chapter's team page.
iii. Individual Fundraiser
You may fundraise on your own without a chapter team.
d. During this registration process, you will have the opportunity to request a join keyword to use as you add new people to the Be The Match Registry You may also continue to use your current join keyword. Make sure you add your chapter's join keyword to your chapter's page. This is the only way to ensure your chapter receives proper credit to earn points.
2. Spread the word. Use your social media platforms, emails, and personal conversations to share your chapter's page. You'll be surprised by how many people will be moved by your commitment and willingness to make a difference.
3. Get creative. Looking for some fun ideas? Check out this list and try something different!
2023-2024 SYLLABUS
Looking for a road map for the school year? Check out the 2023-2024 Be The Match + HOSA Syllabus. There’s an idea, theme, and/or tip for each month.
September’s webinar was all about getting started for the new membership year. Not to worry if you weren’t able to attend the live webinar, it’s now available to watch ON DEMAND at https://youtu.be/Tr4p1qgJp7A.
Be sure to check out the upcoming webinars scheduled through the end of the year at: https://www.bethematchhosa.org/resources#webinars. Please know we’re planning to offer the live webinars at various times to accommodate all time zones. Are there specific topics you would like to see us cover? Please let us know at HOSA@nmdp.org.
Your life-saving work deserves to be rewarded!
How to earn POINTS:
1 dollar raised = 1 point
1 person added to the Be The Match Registry = 10 points (NOTE: Join Keyword MUST be used to track credit)
1 Pre-Registration = 5 points (NOTE: Join Keyword MUST be used to track credit)
1 Chapter Team Captain downloads the fundraising app = 20 points
INCENTIVES by total points earned by May 15, 2024:
100 points = your chapter receives recognition from HOSA
250 points = every member in your chapter will receive a merchandise item, such as a vinyl sticker
500 points = your chapter receives recognition from HOSA again
750 points = every member in your chapter receives a special Be The Match + HOSA lapel pin
Stay tuned for more opportunities throughout the school year to earn even more points!
Questions? Contact HOSA@nmdp.org with any questions to get in contact with your Be The Match Respresentative!
Michigan HOSA has partnered with Gift of Life-Michigan for many years. Chapters can compete in a state-wide challenge and earn points through their activities around organ donation. The 2023 Gift of Life HOSA Challenge will take place October 16-November 3rd.
This year, everyone has a chance to win something. Instead of a "challenge" to see which chapters can register the most organ donors or complete the most activity points, we're "challenging" each chapter to get involved and complete activities to earn points for prizes.
It's easy! Complete any of the activities on the list below and log them to earn points. Use your points to redeem prizes.
* Attend or watch a recording of the Gift of Life HOSA Challenge webinar (one person per chapter).
* Hang all 10 posters provided by Gift of Life in your school and/or community.
* Create a poster about organ, tissue and eye donation and hang it in your school.
* Share information about the Gift of Life HOSA Challenge in your school announcements or newsletter.
* Host a Donor Registry info table in your school or community (we'll provide the materials and giveaways).
* Complete a Gift of Life Michigan TikTok Takeover.
* Feature a story about the Gift of Life HOSA Challenge in a local news outlet (Print/TV/Radio).
* Host a presentation with a Gift of Life educator.
* Post on your school's social media account with a link to join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry.
* Sign someone up on the Michigan Organ Donor Registry.
We're still putting the finishing touches on everything, so stay tuned because I'll have the digital toolkit available for you very soon. A physical toolkit with materials and giveaways will go out the week of October 9 to chapters that register.
* Join us for an informational webinar on Monday, October 9, from 7-8 PM. Please register to attend HERE<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwud-upqT8tGdJJxkBE6CohaEP-pfwGljaY>.
* Visit www.golm.org/hosa<http://www.golm.org/hosa>.
* Email Alison Gillum at agillum@golm.org
Click HERE<http://www.golm.org/hosa> to sign up.
For more information on how your chapter can get involved in this fun community service project, contact: